In the day and age of so much information, how can you filter through it all in order to help your child with autism? Do you read up on the latest research perhaps or do you look at personal accounts/anecdotes from other parents? Do you sometimes feel helpless and not able to understand your child’s behaviour? Do you feel like you would like to help them in the best way possible and understand more about their world?
Would you like to become a ‘professional parent’? That is to understand how to be a good parent from a professional perspective? Then this is the book for you.
Autism: Becoming A Professional Parent Series 1: Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, by Olga Bogdashina
It is written by a mother of an autistic child and a professional (with over 30 years experience in the field). She is a world-wide known author, lecturer and speaker and her mission has been to educate as many people (including parents) as possible about autism. How to work with the autistic individual as well as to understand why they do what they do. For her, it is important to see the world through their eyes and adopt the ‘autistic’ theory of mind.
This is especially the case when it comes to sensory issues in autism. In fact, the author, Olga Bogdashina was one of the first to state that sensory issues are an important factor in autism and we can understand autism better when we understand the different sensory profile of autistic individuals. This was in the late 1990s and it wasn’t until much later (2013) that sensory issues were officially included in the diagnosis of autism in DSM-V.
Bogdashina has always been at the forefront of research, always asking “why”. Every answer she found led to more questions and more “why’s” to deepen understanding of autism. She not only works with the latest research but she is also a big proponent of learning from autistic individuals themselves who attempt to describe their world to us.
“The more you know, the more you realise how little you know” – Olga Bogdashina
It is only by combining knowledge from research, personal accounts of autistic individuals and of course personal experience as a parent, that you can really learn how to become a professional parent.