Guides & Resources

Please feel free to download the free guides below. We will also share more resources with our subscribers so sign-up below.


Below are some resources about autism to download.

Guide for siblings
Guide for Siblings

For those who have a sibling with autism, this 1 page poster highlights the most important things to remember to improve your relationship.

A Guide to drawing and painting with autistic adults
A Guide to Drawing & Painting

A PDF guide to start creating art with autistic adults

Comic Book Stories - Understand Autism Behaviour
Understanding autistic behaviour comic

The cartoons were designed by Ian Wilson to help staff (who were very often untrained, had only basic education and English as a second language) to understand autistic behaviour.

“They often had good behaviour management skills but instinctive ones. Theory is useful for helping to predict outcomes and the graphic presentation together with a verbal question and answer session was meant to help them understand sensory issues. For example, if you do this, that will happen and this is the reason. They are based on actual incidents and if you work in this area they are unfortunately quite frequent.”

We hope this guide is helpful to understand more about the different causes of behaviours of autistic individuals.

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