NEW Release: Learning to Speak Autistic

How can we understand our autistic children when they try to communicate with us? And is it possible to find a common language and understanding with them?

In the 2nd instalment of the series: Autism: Becoming a Professional Parent , Olga focuses on the complexities of communication in autism, aiming to equip parents and professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively engage and support of autistic children.

Communication is like a game of catch – it requires the active participation of both parties to succeed. Often, both autistic and non-autistic people can have trouble understanding each other. While autistic children may not communicate in the same way as their peers, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect. They have their own unique way of communicating and expressing themselves, using a different kind of language to get their message across.

Just as one would learn a foreign language to communicate in a different country, parents and professionals need to become fluent in ‘autistic language(s)’ and to learn how to translate between different communication styles. This means being able to understand and share information in a way that makes sense to everyone involved. By teaching translation skills to both the child and the people they interact with, we can help them communicate more effectively.

The book offers both personal anecdotes and professional advice into the alternative communication methods. It provides practical strategies and tips for achieving mutual understanding and successful interactions.

Order your copy today: available on and Amazon UK

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