The 5 (not-so-positive) Stages Parents Go Through Post-Diagnosis of Autism
What happens when you (as a parent) hear that your child has autism? Taken as an excerpt from Bogdashina’s latest book, we explore the 5 stages that parents may go through after learning about their child’s diagnosis of autism.

Finding Balance In Autism
Meet Paul Isaacs – an autism speaker, trainer, consultant and author.
His blog post talks about his diagnosis of autism, his challenges when growing up as a child and how he now defines what it means to be ‘autistic’ today.

Guide for Siblings
This is a personal guide sharing my own experiences from a sister’s perspective of living with an autistic brother. From navigating family life to moving away, I learnt a lot along the way and have maintained a close bond with my brother. It’s not always easy so here are some practical tips to help you with your autistic sibling.

5 Tips For Professionals Working With Autism
What do professionals need to know when working with autism & how to understand sensory processing issues.

Becoming a Professional Parent
As a parent of an autistic child, do you struggle to get relevant information (and apply it to your situation)? Are you wanting to know how to help your child from a professional perspective? Our latest book written by a professional and parent helps you understand the sensory issues of autism and provides an easy-to-understand guide for all parents and for those who work with autistic children.

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